Publish Date
Sep 22, 2019
The second article in A&M’s three-part series on cost optimization, entitled “Not Every Dollar is a Good Dollar,” is written for investors and executives in private equity portfolio companies that have historically increased shareholder value through revenue growth, but are now facing challenges and lower levels of profitability. In A&M’s experience, portfolio companies in these situations cannot simply cut their way back to profitability, and while chasing incremental volume is a common response, that response could lead to a greater negative impact on profitability. Portfolio companies in these situations need to change how they operate, and that change often starts with the realization that Not Every Dollar is a Good Dollar.
There is no debating that organic revenue growth creates value. Organic growth provides regular increases in cash to support capital investments and higher debt loads, and companies that have demonstrated an ability to grow organically typically command a higher premium in terms of valuation. With 75 percent of private equity transactions last year exceeding multiples of 10 times EBITDA, portfolio companies are under increasingly high pressure to deliver organic growth. In fact, a recent Forbes article highlighted a survey where “over two-thirds of private equity funds are pushing their portfolio companies to grow at faster than 10 percent a year to justify the price premiums they have paid.”
In our experience working with private equity funds and their portfolio companies, we see an increase in situations where businesses that have historically delivered growth are now beginning to face challenges and lower levels of EBITDA. In most of these cases, the historical emphasis on growth over profitability has led to a significant build-up of cost and complexity throughout the business. Reducing this complexity must be the number one priority to avoid further EBITDA deterioration.
For companies in these situations, chasing additional revenue does not create value. What it does create is a potential trap to move into unprofitable business. Falling into this trap is especially problematic for portfolio companies that are in highly leveraged situations, as these companies may be the equivalent of a ticking time bomb. Solving the problem through growth may temporarily extend the fuse, but the clock is still running and eventually the bomb will explode.
Revenue growth solves a lot of problems. When portfolio companies that have historically emphasized year-over-year revenue increases over profit begin to face declines in profitability, the common refrain is “we will grow our way out of the problem.” Companies that follow this approach tend to not only lose focus on whether incremental revenues are profitable, they risk adding more cost and complexity which amplifies the problem. Revenue growth does solve solves a lot of problems, but it does not solve this problem, as illustrated in the sample case below.
The Record Year:
The Ticking Bomb:
In this sample case, as with other portfolio companies facing similar situations, the root cause of the EBITDA decline is not a lack of additional revenue, but a lack of profitable revenue. In these scenarios, the lack of scalable platforms to ensure growth initiatives are accretive to the bottom line is a common problem. Revenue is “acquired” at the expense of increasing complexity, and ultimately profitability declines. Revenue growth can often mask increases in complexity and issues such as SKU proliferation, dilutive customers or products and lack of margin management discipline. These problems only rise to surface when added costs and complexities start dragging down profits.
In our experience, there is no one specific root cause for this situation. It is, rather, a symptom of multiple issues spread across the commercial aspects of the business. The chart below outlines the most common factors that lead to added costs and complexities negatively impacting profits.
Lack of Transparency:
Jumping the Gun on Growth Strategies:
Lack of Discipline to Say No:
Commercial Chaos:
Culture of Revenue at all Costs:
Addressing these situations requires a shift in how the portfolio company thinks about revenue and profit. Saying no to perspective revenue that does not make sense for the business can be difficult. Right-sizing the existing business to shed customers and products that are not profitable is often even more difficult. However, both actions need to be taken to get the business back on track.
In addition, the business needs to first recognize that it cannot “grow itself out of the problem” and initiatives to re-start growth must take a back seat, at least initially, to initiatives that reduce cost and complexity. The immediate priority is to develop the right platforms to deliver both scale and efficiency so growth re-starts can be smartly achieved.
Shedding unprofitable business and having the discipline to “say no” goes beyond concepts. It requires the discipline to drive a fundamental overhaul of the major commercial functions, as well as improved connectivity between sales and operations. Tactically speaking, the critical first step is to take a hard look at where the business is making money and where cost and complexity are dragging down profits. After all, not every dollar is a good dollar, and in many cases returning the business to acceptable levels of profitability means that first the business must shrink before it can grow.
The blueprint for companies in this situation is not just about ripping out cost. Improving the company’s go-to-market effectiveness and instituting the margin management discipline is critical to ensuring the business grows the right way. In our work with private equity investors and their portfolio companies, we apply the following principles to help management teams right-size their business and establish the platforms necessary for future profitability.
Establish a granular understanding of where the company makes money and where the company does not make money – by product, customer and channel. Without this level of transparency, the business will continue flying without a parachute.
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